Tales of a Callsheet Icon
Posted 28 weeks, 2 days ago.
I was listening to Accidental Tech Podcast one day, and my good mate Casey Liss was chatting away about his upcoming app, Flookup. I don’t recall if he’d let anyone know what it was or what it was called at the time, but I was one of the lucky few who got a TestFlight build quite early on.
It was a great little app, even at that early stage, but the icon let a lot to be desired for me. Casey is many things. A great friend. An excellent developer. A half-decent podcaster. But an artist?
So I found myself opening up Sketch and getting to work. Could I make an icon before the episode was done?
1Password Abandons the Robot
Posted 3 years, 21 weeks ago.
The internet is mad again, but maybe we should all remember the real victim here.
My Favourite Things: Helpsters
Posted 3 years, 22 weeks ago.
It caught me a little by surprise, but Zephyr and I have really connected with Helpsters on Apple TV. Cody, Scatter, Heart, and Mr. Primm bring a joy to solving problems and helping people that is unmatched, and I appreciate the chance to share something so amazing with Zephyr.
Hourly Comic Day 2020
Posted 4 years, 49 weeks ago.
I didn’t do Hourly Comic Day in 2019 due to, well… forgetting… but I was totally prepared to do it this year.
Playing for Fun: Minit
Posted 5 years, 20 weeks ago.
We never did get a Playing for Fun episode about Minit, but I discovered this commissioned illustration in my archives anyway, so here it is!